Sunday, April 25, 2010


I'm feeling it! (-:

Thursday, April 22, 2010

WOW! Busy day (:

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Yesterday we got home from home from camping . The whole time we were there it rained and rained but, hey, more adventure right? On the way there we got donuts and rain ponchos . It took, like, two hours to get there . Once we got to our camp site we had to wait for the light drizzle to let up before we could set up our tent . So we put on our ponchos and played with the our friends (who had come two days earlier) . The rain let up and we set up our tent, then we went to this great pool with a long water slide . We were unable to watch a movie out in the large out door screen, because of the rain . I didn't care anyway because it was Hanna Montana the movie (GROSS!!!!!!!!). The next day we went for a great ride on (no not on horses :( ) our bikes . It was really fun. We left after that. It was a great camping trip !

Friday, April 16, 2010

Ok my dad just got home so i can't write long. well fine yes i can . Like i said i am going camping on sunday. we r going with some friends they go all time so they know all the tips. tomarrow (thats not spelled right) we r going to do a give a day get a day 4 disney .
Oh boy ! I am going camping on sunday. It is at fort wilderness not really the wilderness but fun anyway. I'm not sure if u guys have been there but they have a great big barn just 4 ....... u guessed it H-O-R-S-E-S horses!!!!!At night they have movies and big bon-fires .

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Hi bloggers! This is my first time doing a blog and i am very exited!